Playstructions is a platform that unites sports lovers, such as you, from all the four walls of the world. Playstructions allows you to post articles/information/knowledge about any sports game, whether outdoor or indoor, with other users. Not only that, but you also have access to interact, comment, like, discuss, or learn more about the latest trend specific to a particular club, player, or tournament. The best part about Playstructions is that you stand a chance to win prizes, such as Gift Cards, when you share your knowledge about any “physical” sports game.

To signup or login on Playstructions is simple. Simply locate the “Login/Signup” tab at the top-right corner on the homepage and click on the relevant tab. For example, click on the “Signup” tab if you wish to create a user account. Once you click on the relevant tab, the relevant form will be provided to you, and you can submit the required information to proceed. Also, you may use the social media links available below the form pages to sign up without having to type any information.

It is very unusual not to get a confirmation email within 30 minutes of signing up on Playstructions. However, there are a few places you may have to look:

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  1. Spam folder: Make sure your spam filter is set to allow incoming emails from Playstructions. To be sure, you can add to your address book or contacts list. 
  2. Gmail Social Tab: If you registered using a Gmail account, your confirmation might be in the “Social Tab” of your inbox. To request a new account email confirmation, please contact us and let us know you’ve created an account, but have not received a confirmation email.

If, after you have done all the above and still could not see the confirmation email, please, reach out to us via or use the “Contact” form to make a claim. We will reply as soon as possible.

As a registered user, you can post or share any article or information about any PHYSICAL sport from anywhere around the world. Your article may contain information about the description, equipment used, skills, rules, strategies, history, how to play, etc. You can also comment, discuss, like, and favorite any existing article available on Playstructions.

  • From the website homepage or your user account area, click on the “PUBLISH” tab at the top right corner area and type the relevant sport name in the emerging window, then click on “START PLAYSTRUCTIONS” to continue.
  • Click on “Physical Sports” on the next window and click “NEXT.” Then carefully submit the article properties, including uploading related images, submitting the description (main article), uploading the video, and providing the game title.
  • Locate the green “PUBLISH” tab directly beside “SAVE AS DRAFT,” “PREVIEW,” and “+ADD STEP” and click on it to publish the article. 
  • Your article will go under approval process and should be published within a few minutes.

Yes, you can… and you should! You do not need to possess a professional writing skill before you can write and post an article on Playstructions. All we require from you is an in-depth knowledge about the sport you are writing about and a little bit of layman English sufficient for other users to understand the content of your article.

Although we have a standard format/template provided on the article submission page, it is not mandatory. You may write and publish the article in any format you feel would be pleasing to the readers. However, we recommend that you use the format/template provided on the article publishing page for easy readability and understanding.

To access and use the format/template, click on “PUBLISH” and submit the article title. On the article submission page, locate the blue link “How to publish an article?” at the top left corner of the page and click on it to access the format/template.

Meanwhile, we encourage you to submit articles on sports which you have comprehensive knowledge about. We hope you can do extra research about the article to be sure you are sharing accurate information. We would not want you to mislead others by sharing inaccurate and outdated information on Playstructions.

Playstructions will publish your article when you complete all the relevant sections, including uploading the photos, links, videos, and the appropriate properties. Keep in mind, once you've published your article, you can still make changes and corrections to it.

Yes, you can edit or delete an already posted article! Simply log in to your user account and click on “My Articles.” Locate the article from the available articles and click on the “EDIT” option at the bottom of the article to edit it. Likewise, you can delete such an article by simply clicking on the “DELETE” option.

Yes, there is! The top 3 article writers will be gifted Amazon gift cards of a certain value. These winners will be selected based on certain interactions their article gets, such as likes, favorites, comments, and votes. Winners will be notified via their email addresses

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Articles will be eligible for top-rated status from the time the article is submitted and will be eligible for top-rated status for six (6) months from the date of submission. All articles can be rated by the user community based on the breadth, depth, quality, and authenticity of the article. The top-rated articles will be published on the homepage. 

Please note, there are a variety of ways your article can obtain the top 3 status. We calculate the interactions generated by the article, such as the votes, favorites, views, etc.

Playstructions will notify you through your email address if you are among the top 3 article writers/winners. The prize to be won is an Amazon gift card or other similar gift cards. The value will be decided when the competitions begin.

Unless you have express permission from the client, we strictly will not condone any acts of copyright infringement or other intellectual property theft. It is best to get written permission from the rightful owner before sharing the article here.

Yes! Playstructions is majorly about physical sports. We do not permit online or virtual sports.

If you forgot your password, you could request a new one by clicking on the “Login” button at the top right corner of the homepage and click on it. Click on the “Forgot Password” link at the bottom of the login form and provide your account email address, then click on “RESET PASSWORD.” You will receive further instructions on how to get a new password in your email address within seconds.

    If you need to change your password without you forgetting the old one, log in to your user account and click on the “Change Password” tab from the list and provide the required information, including your old and new passwords.

You can update any information in your profile by logging into your user account and clicking on the “Edit Profile” tab from the list. Update the relevant information and click on “SAVE PROFILE” to effect the changes.

To change your email address, log in to your user account and click on the “Change Email” tab from the options and submit the new email in the boxes provided. Click on “SAVE EMAIL” below when you are done.

Unfortunately, no! You can only post articles, comment, participate in Q&A forums and discussions, or interact with any post on Playstructions if you are a member. You can sign up for a user account within minutes. Click here to register

You can easily find an article about a specific sport on Playstructions by inputting the sport name in the “Search an article” box provided at the top right corner of the website homepage. You can also find articles by clicking on the category they belong to. For example, if you are looking for any aquatic sport, click on the “Water Sports” tab by the top left corner on the homepage.

If you did not get an answer to your question(s), please, reach out to us via our email address at or contact us using the Contact page.